Please Donate Generously for the Cause of Buying a Land for a Future Authentic Temple.

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Rachana Kotian

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Donation: 1 Sq.Ft


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Donation: 2 Sq.Ft

Prithvi Thodla

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Donation: 1 Sq.Ft

Ramakrishna Vedantham

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Donation: 1 Sq.Ft

Pruthvish Panakanti

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Donation: 1 Sq.Ft

Suresh Mereddy

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Donation: 1 Sq.Ft

Girish Bhatia

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Donation: 1 Sq.Ft

Gayathri Sundararaman

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Donation: 1 Sq.Ft

Sowmya Boothpur

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Donation: 1 Sq.Ft

Padma Lakshman

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Donation: 2 Sq.Ft

Hema Babu

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Donation: 4 Sq.Ft

Mona Shukla

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Donation: 1 Sq.Ft

Mona Shukla

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Donation: 1 Sq.Ft

Mona Shukla

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Donation: 1 Sq.Ft

Lakshmi Ramakrishnan

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Donation: 6 Sq.Ft

Srilatha Pali

Donation: 2 Sq.Ft

rupam patel

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Donation: 1 Sq.Ft

Nagendran Sankaralingam

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Donation: 1 Sq.Ft